Family What if dads used more of their creative energy at home? What would happen in America if fathers poured just as much creative energy into their families as they pour into their work? 3 min read
Business How 10 years of business ownership shaped me into who I am today The business may have bore my name, but in truth, we built each other. My business grew me just as much as I grew it. 3 min read
Family What if dads used more of their creative energy at home? What would happen in America if fathers poured just as much creative energy into their families as they pour into their work? 3 min read
Faith When the church system breaks... again and again The pressure cooker of being a "professional Christian" isolated me. It was so lonely and detrimental. We can do better and here's how. 4 min read
Personal 7 steps I'm taking to improve our family's Internet privacy (and why I think it's important) In 20-30 years from now, will I have wished I had diversified and protected my personal information better? Probably. 4 min read
Business When your dream job becomes just a job Turning my play into my work didn't create my dream job. I learned purpose creates better work than play ever could. 3 min read
Business Why running a home is like running a business I found that many of the skills that helped my business thrive also helped my home become a place where my family members thrive. 3 min read
Family How I learned to fight with my wife (and stay married for 18 years) Yes, my wife and I sometimes fight. And when we do, we follow a few rules that make the heated "discussion" fruitful. 2 min read
Family Creating a "primal brand" that captures your kids hearts for your family The same process that creates loyal fans for YouTube creators also creates a loyal family dynamic in the home. 5 min read
Faith The (lost) art of living rhythmically As a youth pastor, I had plans for everyone's family but my own. Then God showed me His blueprint, hidden in plain sight for generations. 3 min read