Why running a home is like running a business

Why running a home is like running a business
Our family's weekly OKR check-in back in 2021.

I know some people don't like this idea, but I've found it to be incredibly helpful for creating a healthy, functional home environment. Critics will say, "You can't run your home like a business because you have a different relationship with people at home than you do at work," which is obviously true. But there are many business skills I learned that have absolutely helped our home become a more peaceful, functional, mission-oriented place to live.

Here's 18 rhythms that transformed my business as well as my home.

  1. Regular one-on-ones with employees, kids, and spouse. It's a time to check in and see how that person is doing, celebrate what's going well, and discuss ways to improve whatever needs attention.
  2. Hold weekly team meetings with family and the business team to coordinate schedules, discuss projects, make decisions, and align on what's important.
  3. Quarterly goal-setting. We used OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) as a framework for collaboratively deciding what is important and how we will achieve our agreed-upon goals.
  4. Look for wins and celebrate them. This kind of affirmation will light up your kids and spouse as much as it will encourage and motivate people who work with you.
  5. Keep a budget. Managing resources is obviously important for both the family and the business. Without this skill, everything else eventually becomes very complicated.
  6. Being able to distinguish between an opportunity and a distraction. Knowing the difference is just as important in the family as it is in the business if you want to keep momentum going in the right direction.
  7. Say no. Set boundaries. This is maybe more of a life skill that applies to any context you're in.
  8. Systematize routine tasks for employees, kids, and yourself. It increases the likelihood that it's done well each time, which makes it a more positive experience for everyone.
  9. Continuing education. This makes sense for most people in a professional context, but it also applies to the family. Read books, attend conferences, and listen to podcasts that benefit your family.
  10. Determine the direction of the business and family based on the gifts and skills of the team members. Lean into pivots based on the family team members' interests and personality strengths.
  11. Take time off when necessary. Vacations are encouraged at work. If you need to take some time alone from the family, do it. Dana used to take quarterly weekend retreats by herself and found them re-energizing for serving the family when she returned.
  12. Have a system for managing projects. At work we do this with project management software. For our home, we use a simple whiteboard.
  13. When revenue and work demands it, hire another team member. In our home, we've hired nannies, handymen, house cleaners, and more, to support our family team.
  14. Intentionally boost morale. This is often part of the company culture at work. In the family, vacations, day trips, treats, retreats, board games, and ice cream shops all impact the family team's culture and morale.
  15. Create a brand that captures your kids/customers' hearts.
  16. Seek advice. Hire consultants for your business. Hire therapists for your marriage. The latter is much more important than the former.
  17. Establish a rhythm of regular celebrations, such as birthdays, anniversaries, achievements, milestones, and more. What we celebrate teaches our kids what's important to us.
  18. Regularly evaluate the mission and core values. They grow businesses as much as they bring intentionality and growth to a family.

Once a rhythm is established, it keeps both a business and a family on track to run smoothly and productively and provides an environment where people thrive.

Another way of thinking about this is "intentional living." In this approach, you take control over what happens instead of reacting to it. You make the things happen that you want to happen based on your values and the outcomes you want to experience.

If you want to grow a successful creator business without sacrificing yourself or your family, apply for coaching here.

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