Why I have a death calendar

Why I have a death calendar
Every week I check off a box, counting down to potentially the end of my life.

Yeah, it's weird. I know.

This poster hangs in my office. Each box on this poster represents a week of my life. Every Friday when I shut down my computer and head into the weekend, I color in another box and take a moment to reflect on the week:

Do what matters.

It's a sobering reminder that life is short. Days easily slip away, turning into weeks and weeks into years. Did I coast through a week of distractions or did I do what matters?

Often I evaluate the answer to this question based on my personal mission of...

Reach people. Change lives.

More specifically, I love multiplying the fruitfulness of people's lives, typically through creating content, developing systems, and building relationships. So, when I reflect on my week every Friday afternoon, I evaluate it through that lens in a few different contexts: my family, work, and local community.

It's probably a bit too much pressure to reflect on this daily, but I find a weekly evaluation to be the perfect rhythm for reflection. It's not so often that I'm living under the pressure of doing something extremely meaningful every day, but it's not so infrequent that I can't really remember what I worked on since the last time I reflected.

It's honestly part of what pushed me over the edge to start writing again here about things that matter to me. Weeks were passing, time was ticking, and this felt like something that matters, so I pulled the trigger.

The idea behind this poster from 4kweeks.com is this:

The average (optimistic) life span is about 4,576 weeks. Make each one count.

Live intentionally. Wrestle with life. The weeks are ticking by.

What’s your personal mission? I’d love to hear what inspires you to chase it. Share in the comments, and let’s wrestle with it together.

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